01. On-site training
Training and awareness workshops in cybersecurity and GDPR compliance are essential for companies wishing to implement governance solutions.
Cybersecurity and data processing are first and foremost a human endeavour. It is essential to integrate the human factor into the definition, implementation and evolution of security processes within the company.
Our face-to-face training workshops are adapted to your needs, your resources and your teams. We organise workshops in a fun and interactive way to maintain the attention of your employees.
We can intervene on specific themes according to your requests, but we can also carry out more global awareness actions, according to your activities and needs.
02. Online training
Is your company abroad ? You don't have the possibility to organise face-to-face training workshops easily ? We can provide our training services remotely : in the form of webinars, for all your employees or for groups.
03. Awareness
Do you run a club, association or business group? Do you regularly organize events with external speakers, and would like to open the debate on cybersecurity and/or compliance issues facing companies in your ecosystem?
CyberSecura can help your network address these cybersecurity and GDPR compliance issues free of charge: one-hour awareness-raising presentations, either face-to-face or remotely (depending on travel requirements).
CyberSecura is committed to hosting two events a month, free of charge: so don't wait any longer, book your event now!
Stéphane Gasparian, Co-director at Maison de l'Enfance Bachelard
"During the intervention, what was also appreciated was the fact that there were different consultants in contact with the teams: GDPR regulatory compliance professionals but also cybersecurity professionals, which brought a real richness in the exchanges."
Would you like more details about our training and/or awareness-raising services in cybersecurity and GDPR compliance? Download our customer case study for more information!
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