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Apolline Lang

Apolline Lang, Mission Director at Le

"David Rozier was very professional, accessible and particularly responsive."

1- Could you briefly introduce yourself: who are you? What is your job ? How long have you been working for Le


"I'm Apolline Lang, I've been working at the as a mission director for a little over six months now, and in particular on the organisation, structuring and deployment of a project called "Data School", signed The aim of this project is to educate employees of large groups and local institutions or authorities about the challenges of data. At the moment, we are deploying a "Data School" within a French banking group. Previously, I worked in corporate events." 




2- Could you introduce us to Le 


"Le is a company based in Nantes, whose mission is to build a future that blends digital and the world in transition, to build a benevolent, social and inclusive society. The objective is really to minimize the digital divide to give all citizens of 2021 the means to be truly digitally included, i.e. to bring them to be able to contribute to the production of digital services: to better understand the impacts of automation, power issues around traceability or being able to take hold of digital practices to succeed in one's own projects (whether they are entrepreneurial, associative, artistic, political, etc.). To do this, we work with an ecosystem of trusted partners to spread the right messages during learning experiences on all types of digital-related topics such as cybersecurity, data protection, APIsation, etc." 




3- How did you hear about CyberSecura?


​"We met CyberSecura through our network: Benoit Béraud, a former collaborator of, was working with us on the construction of this "Data School". The latter knew David Rozier well, and therefore thought of him for the intervention on this project." 



4- What kind of relationship do you have with CyberSecura? How does this partnership work?


"This partnership has resulted in the facilitation of a workshop on cybersecurity and mainly on data protection. For now we are at this point, and have not yet had the opportunity to collaborate on other projects." 




5- What does the partnership with CyberSecura bring you?


"We have only worked together once, but CyberSecura is now an additional person in our ecosystem. CyberSecura provides us with external expertise that we can call on whenever we need it for future events." ​​



6- Conversely, what do you think this partnership brings to CyberSecura?


"I would say an experience, a good experience, because we hope that it remains a good moment to animate workshops for Le I would also say a human accompaniment which is, in any case we try our best, formative. And then it's an opportunity, in a workshop animation, to promote the company CyberSecura, so I think it brings a little visibility and promotion to the company. This animation was conducted for a banking group so it is always interesting for a private company like CyberSecura to have some visibility with such companies."  




7- Were you satisfied with the partnership with CyberSecura?


"Yes, we were satisfied! CyberSecura, and more particularly David Rozier, was very professional, accessible and particularly responsive as he agreed to run this event a little at the last minute, from one week to the next."




8- What are your development prospects with CyberSecura?


"I don't really have in mind any prospects for the evolution of this partnership at the moment, but CyberSecura has entered our database of potential speakers in terms of cyber security. So, as soon as we have to organise something on these subjects, we will call on CyberSecura. We're also developing networking meet-up sessions on digital-related topics so in the event that we're organising an after-work event or something like that, we'll probably call on CyberSecura to speak in that context." 




9- Is there a specific project with CyberSecura that you can tell me about?


"We therefore had only one project in common, the intervention of David Rozier in the framework of our "Data School" project. The audience was made up of branch directors, so people in the field, managers, who work in bank branches all over France. There were about twenty people. The specific topic was "How to protect our data in our daily lives?", this workshop lasted two hours in total, and was conducted remotely. This intervention was part of a training programme, which is currently still ongoing, so the people in front of it were mostly in a training perspective, although we try to promote acculturation workshops instead.""​​​



All CyberSecura's team thanks Apolline for her testimonial!​


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